Official Plan
Frontenac Islands Official Plan, Consolidated 2024 |
The Frontenac Island Official Plan is an expression of the community’s vision for land use and development at the local level containing the goals, objectives and policies which guide development twenty years into the future. The Plan is intended to assist Council, committees, municipal staff, developers, government agencies and the public in their efforts to maintain and strengthen the environment, economic, cultural and social assets of the Township. The Planning Act requires that municipalities in Ontario adopt an Official Plan that is consistent with the Provincial Planning Statement.
An Official Plan contains policies on:
There are land use schedules with the Township Official Plan that set out the designation of each property.
Frontenac Maps is an excellent resource for viewing the property and learning more. Frontenac Maps is a publicly accessible interactive online mapping tools maintained by the County of Frontenac. Please note that zoning information and conservation authority boundaries are available here.
The Provincial Planning Statement provides direction on planning matters related to land use and development province-wide. The document promotes efficient land use and development matters that support strong, liveable and healthy communities, protect the environment and public health and safety, and facilitate economic growth. All planning decisions and local planning documents must be consistent with the Provincial Planning Statement (PPS). Please click here to read the PPS, 2024 |
County of Frontenac Official Plan, 2016 |
The County of Frontenac Official Plan is a framework for guiding development in the County through the management and protection of the natural environment and by providing direction and influence on growth patterns. It is focused on the six themes of economic sustainability, growth management, community building, housing and social services, heritage and culture, and environmental sustainability. The Plan is amended from time to time to reflect changes in provincial regulations and to ensure the document continues to reflect the needs of the region. Visit the County of Frontenac Planning Department webpage and learn more about the County Official Plan. |
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