Applications, Licences and Permits
- Planning staff are available to assist you with understanding the planning application review process. However, as the applicant, it is your responsibility to make sure that the application is complete, accurate and clearly identifies required approvals. Staff are not permitted to complete application forms. If you require assistance staff can direct you to the appropriate resources.
- Planning staff strive to process applications in an efficient manner, but failure to provide all the required information may result in processing delays. All planning applications are public documents and will be available for public review.
- Applications must be submitted and deemed complete a minimum of one month prior to an upcoming Council meeting. During peak development season, applications may be required further in advance. Factors, including frost and snow on the ground, may result in longer processing times.
- Guidance documents are available for the applications below and provide greater detail on the application requirements, timelines and decision making.
Minor Variance |
A minor variance is a minor variation from the requirements of the Township Zoning By-law. Minor variance approval allows the property owner to obtain a building permit or use property in a specific way which does not comply with the provisions of the Township Zoning By-law.
Consent - Severance, Lot Addition or Easement |
The consent approval process is used for severance, lot addition and easement applications. A consent is required if the property owner wishes to subdivide land or enter into a lease longer than 21 years less a day. |
Zoning By-Law Amendment |
The Zoning By-law states how land may be used, where buildings and structures can be located, the types of buildings and structures permitted and how they can be used, and lot sizes and dimensions, parking requirements, building heights and setbacks. To change the use of land, a zoning by-law amendment or rezoning application will be required.
Official Plan Amendment |
An official plan amendment is required when a proposal does not conform to the policy in the Township or County Official Plan. Amendments can be made to both plans but are processed through their corresponding agency. Due to the complexity of the application, a number of studies and reports may be required to support an application. |
Site Plan Control |
Site plan control is a planning tool under the Planning Act that includes a detailed review of a property to ensure municipal, provincial, and other agency standards, regulations and policies are met. Site plan control also ensures that the effects on neighboring properties are minimized and that the development is safe and functional. Site plan control is required for all commercial, institutional and industrial development and may be required for residential development. |
Plans of Subdivision and Plan of Condominium |
The County of Frontenac is the approval authority for plans of subdivision and condominium in the Township. A subdivision or condominium may be required when no further consents are permitted from a property or a complex application is proposed, including the creation of a new lane. Please contact the County of Frontenac for more information on the process to submit an application for a Plan of Subdivision/Condominium. |
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